Wednesday 7 November 2012

Weekly Media Story - Week 6

Even though this isn't a Guardian article I still think its important.

My boy from day, Barack Obama, won the US election and is now in the white house as president for a second term. #2Termz!! This epic win for Obama, is significant in both US history and also in twitter history as it is now the most tweeted about political event in the history of twitter, with more than 31 million election related tweets sent. The previous record was only 10 million. Twitter has played a big role in the election, highlighted mainly by the debates which set the twitterverse alight "Twitter brought people closer to almost every aspect of the election this year", Horwitz said. "From breaking news, to sharing the experience of watching the debates, to interacting directly with the candidates, Twitter became a kind of nationwide caucus". Once it was announced that Obama had won Twitter broke out into a frenzy which reached a peak of 327,000 tweets per minute. Obama later took to his official twitter account with this tweet alongside the picture, and it became the most retweeted tweet in the history of twitter. Last night was a night that will go down in the history of both America and Twitter. The electiopn. 

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