Tuesday 27 November 2012

Virtual Revolution - Ep2

Driving the perfection of information
Twitter - social networking - 2006
Iran June 2009 - Peaceful protest
- Ban on Media
- Turned to Twitter to share
- 200,000 tweets per hour at peak
- Youtube report news

1/4 population connected
"It will have a more profound impact than the printing press"
Gives power to people to challenge old power centres

Negative - State control


We change our tools and our tools change us - Jeff Bezos

No central control - cant be shut down
Wiki Leaks - provide information - Julian Assange

UK fight on climate change
Protests - organised online
Express views on politics easily
"empowers anyone that needs it"
Authority of the state
State vs citizen

China - 60 years cimunisum
253 million onine
Tech drive economic growth
Want to block dale Lama
30,000 police web
Great fire wall of china
Block western sites that critise

China Earthquake
Citizen journalism
50 cent army - 300,000 - internet commentators - promoting communism
Block and redirect
More open = More democratic
Rise of political consisness
Leaders of china + Russia responsing to bloggers online
BBC/NY times blocked

Al Queda - Shock tactics - propeganda
Divide humaity not join
Portable homeland

Appluade it for voice and power, can be used for good or ill

Estonia - 2007

Most wired country
97% banking transactions done online
Russia vs Estonia
2 night riots over statue movement
Cyber attack vs Estonia
Denial of Service - State doesnt know who
Government websites
Bank websites

Paypal - Peter Thiel
Paypal - New world currency

Facebook - 350 Million/ would be 3rd biggest country in the world

"web collapses distances"
"cyber balkanization" - lots of little internet communites hating each other

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