Tuesday 20 November 2012

Letter to Mr. Murdoch -.-

Dear Mr. Murdoch

I am writing to inform you of my displeasure at the news that your some news organisations that your news corporation owns are going to charge for news. I understand that the world we live in is driven by money, but is it really necessary to charge for newspapers and then also online? I guess its your decision ultimately but is the customer not always right? I feel that news online should be free because if your going to charge for it someone else is going to provide pretty much the same story for free, and then you loose demand gradually, reduced revenue, lower if any profit levels and eventually news corporation closes. At the end of the day I'm looking out for myself, but in a sense I am also looking out for you. I would be open to coming and meeting you once your done with all of that phone hacking stuff that  you got caught up in. I wouldn't mind getting a job also, you can hit me up on my mobile, its the one that ends in 472. Also is it the best idea to charge for news online just after your firm gets some of the biggest negative publicity in newspaper history?

Yours sincerely

Kanye East

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