Wednesday 12 December 2012

Cover Work

News Corp's publishing are to  focus on losses at Times and Sunday Times

  • Thetimes and sunday times cost an estimated £1million a week. 
  • The companies have been able to run at the losses because news corp can absorb the losses, due to their financial position. 
  • The film and tv side of news corp is more profitable.
  • They want to make changes but dont know if they wil be allowed because of the bad publicity. 
  • Competitors are also operating at a loss
This poses a serious problem due to the division from within news corp as a result of the bad publicity that the priniting side of the company has received over the pat 18months. It wasnt hidden but was masked because of how much money was generated by the broadcasting and production branch of newscorp and is something that needs to be addressed, especially with the fall in circulation of the newspapers. 

Sunday Times circulation falls below 900,000 for the first time

  • Fell by a little less than 1%
  • 7.51% fall compared to last year
  • All of the sunday newspaper competitors are also losing money and sales
  • Artificially boosting circulation numbers
  • The sun might fall below the 2million mark 
  • Sales of the sunday paper have fallen nearly 50%
I dont think that this is really that serious as it is also happening to their competitors  It is serious but not extremely bad because its just the way that the market is going. If it was just there circulation figures that were going down then it would be a cause for concern but not so much as its happening to the rest of the firms. 

Uk Newspaper advertising facing bleak forecast for 2013

  • Predicted 9% decline 
  • Revenue is expected to fall below £1billion 
  • In 2005 its estimated that the newspaper advertising market was worth £2.5billion
  • Prospect for regional newspapers is looking better
This is a huge problem for UK newspapers because there main revenue is generated from advertising. If the revenue is no longer there than this could be the decline of an industry that once drove every nation. This could be the start of the decline of print. 

The ups and downs of BBC Online 

  • Less than 8million people online in 1997 
  • More than 50million today
The figures have tended to fluctuate but there clearly has been a huge increase in the amount of views on the website. Its showing how the way people reccieve the news is changing. When big things happen in the world online is usually the first to report it as it allows the most flexibility. This is supported by the chart we are given. 

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