Wednesday 5 December 2012

Article work

The first article bascially is talking about how the new age of media, media 2.0, is still in the hands of a small number of conglamerates that control the media. It gives the impression that the audience is getting empowered and that they are becoming producers, which is true to an extent, but really the gatekeepers and editors still have the power. Not everyone is taking the power that they can have, the power that they can now become producers, they are producing amateur videos of family videos, and other nonsense, not videos promoting any ideologies or trying to change the world. According to the article participation is hard to define, and that a very small miority are participating and being active on sites such as youtube whereas others are just viewing the text for whatever pleasure they seek or need.

In the second article they are talking about any possible link between democracy. It also talks about how people are trying to go against the media grain, they want to be different and have their voices heard, example being rage against the machine. It also talks about how Michael Jacksons death is an example of democracy about how audiences were able to obtain the news story before traditional news outlets were able to mediate the story. They also talk about how blogging is another example of democracy. It concludes by saying that citizen journalism wont make traditional news irrevlevant but it will complement traditional news.

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