The Daily closes shop:
The article states that one of the main reasons for the news app getting shut down was because of the pay wall that was mandatory for anyone who wanted to use the app. The content wasn't worthy of the subscription fee, especially as the content that they were charging for was easily available elsewhere for free. The app was described as not unique enough. Also enough wasn't spent on marketing to get the amount of subscriptions needed to make the news app sustainable.
I think that it if the same information is avaliable elsewhere for free, oppossed to having to pay for it people will tend to go to the free option. So if the quality of the stories isn't up to scratch then people will go elsewhere, and that is what happened with Murdoch's app. I think it is the right decision to close down the app, but there has to be questions asked from within the company about the research gone into this venture.
Print in 2013:
2013 is anticipated as being another tough year for the print platform, due to steep declines in advertising revenue. A 9% decrease in advertising revenue is estimated in 2013 when compared to 2012. There are going to be much needed cuts in both News International and the Guardian as they seek to become/remain profitable. Whilst there are cuts there will also be investments trying to look into new areas of the market which can be exploited. The paywall is likely to remain for the online content for News International, but they will look at trying to start 7 day production of newspapers. One of the only newspapers to have growth recently is the London Evening Standard, which recently went free and is booming. A key to newspapers success with be how they expand into the tablet market, and how they manage to monazite it.
They fall in advertising revenue is to be expected when it comes to the print platform due to decreased numbers of readership, due to the free and easily accessible online content. I think it is right that there should be cuts, because thats whats needed, but there still needs to be money spent on innovation because thats what is likely to see the print platform survive. Going free is a viable option, because of the success that the London evening standard has had.
Both companies have had to pay damages as well as Lord McAlpine's legal fees due to the false allegations that they said regarding sex abuse claims. Hes also suing some other people and the companys are in trouble.
They should have to pay him for what they've done wrong and they should also have something else done to them. For example they should have to check their stories or something along those lines.
Twitter active users pass 200 million
Users have become more active due to major events such as the olympics, the queens jubilee and other things around the world. There are over 500million users, with half not choosing to be active. More than half of the users use it on mobile devices, 80% in the UK have mobile access to twitter. The Uk is the 4th biggest twitter nation, behind America, Japan, and Brazil.
I think the growth that twitter is experencing is healthy for the social networking market as it poses competition to facebook who almost has a monopoly but it is typical of social networking websites, this boom of growth, the truth will be if the tend contiues and keeps increasing as it is doing now. The fact that less than half of twitter users are active shows that its not really catching on or contiuing to intice consumers to the point of making them to become active and tweet, instead just staying there and remaning passive.
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